MAKE YOUR MARK: Erin Pechtel

Erin Petchtel _ Buotonne

What’s you name?


Where are you located?

San Diego, CA.

If you could describe what you do for a living on your own terms, what would you say?

I own a leather goods company.

Aside from your given title, would you say there are any other titles or hats you wear in this position?

Oh gosh. I wear a lot of hats: owner. operator. designer. creative director. production manager. social media director.... I do it all.

Is this what you always wanted to be when you grew up?

When I was a little girl I was obsessed with being a trapeze artist. Ha! Quite a different path I took!

Can you put into words your career history to date?

In college I worked at Anthropologie + Nordstrom doing both sales + visuals. I've always loved retail + the creative part of it as well. I love display, It’s something that will always make me feel alive inside. If i'm feeling sad or uninspired, I typically like to go to the mall (I know, i know) + walk around just to see some of my favorite stores’ displays. I've also had some random jobs along the way like a record label, wedding planning, graphic design + one of the best jobs i've ever had... running a paper store. I’ve dabbled in a lot + I’m far from finished. I hope to someday try out being a florist or running a bakery. We'll see!

If there was ever a time where you weren’t working for yourself, how did you make the leap from working for someone to working for yourself? Was it an easy transition?

Oh boy, this is a tough one. Yes, this was a hard transition for me mainly because it was personal. There was a big change in my life that allowed me the opportunity to start over so I decided to put my big girl pants on +  just jump. Mainly because I knew if I didn't go for it I would always wonder. That + I've always been sort of fearless when it comes to jumping. Once I did, it was terrifying + exciting all at the same time but it all worked out. That’s how I know i'm exactly at where I need to be. That’s  a beautiful thing.

Coming back to the present, (haha) what is your morning routine before you start the day?

Oh!! I like this question! I'm a huge advocate for morning routines. I've read a lot about successful people + they all have healthy morning routines. Here's what I’ve found that works best for me: Wake up. Do 20 minutes of stretching or yoga immediately (No cell phone in bed!). Take the dog for a walk. During that time I do my "Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod. (This is supposed to be written down. Don’t tell Hal I just do mine in my head on my morning walk!) Which is this: State two things you are going to do to make the day great + one self affirmation (At the end of the day before bed you say two things you could have done to make the day better + one thing you are thankful for). It sounds simple but it is life-changing. Then I come home, get ready + tackle the day, be it emails, computer projects, shipping orders or meetings. I have to get dressed right away or I will get distracted. I really try to have my mornings be quiet, focused + positive. I can't think of a better way to start the day. 

Describe what you do between stepping into your work space and then calling it a wrap at the end of the day (Basically, your average work day):

Oh gosh, that is rough because every day is different. I'll either have meetings, production runs, sampling, shipping, designing, emails... lots + lots of emails! I would say that is a normal week. There is a lot of computer + organizational work that goes into my job. You know, the not so glamorous work. Some days I feel like my eye balls are burning from being in front of the computer all day. I need to be better about taking breaks. Ha.

What is your favourite part of the day?

The morning. Hands down. It’s that morning routine I tell ya!

How do you define internal and external success in all that you do?

Goodness, you are really good at asking the meaty questions!! This is what I like to call real talk. Straight to the point. I love it! I'm all about being open so here we go... To just be real, I really struggle with the idea of success + what it actually means for me. I used to say my ideal success would be perfection but as I got older, I realized this was ridiculous. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be the perfect daughter, sibling, friend, partner, business owner, creative, etc. The list goes on + on. I have a lot of ideas of success, but if i'm honest most are lofty + often unattainable. I'm a dreamer + forward-thinker. I live with my head in the clouds. I’ll have an idea or vision + I'll want to create it or bring it to life + be the best. I know full well that these things are not realistic, but still I push. Why? Because I think that's where we find the greatest parts of ourselves AND I think we are all a lot stronger (+ more capable) than we think we are or give ourselves credit for being. So maybe success could be defined as this: Learn yourself, who you truly are, what works for you, set goals (big goals! Don't be scared) + then set boundaries in place. Then jump! It’s always ok to readjust your goals as life leads you. I think you will find what success is being the truest form of one’s self.

What has been the biggest success so far and why?

Personally, I would say finding my most authentic self + becoming secure with her. Professionally, I would say running a profitable business on my own. Well, that + my 3 month feature in GQ - that was a big moment for me.

With all that success there’s bound to be some overwhelming moments, how do you overcome the bumps along the way?

There certainly have been a lot of bumps + a lot of moments where I wanted to give up for sure. I’m sure I would have given up by now if it weren't for my parents + my partner (i am sooo thankful for them!). They all have been crazy amazing supporters that push me to keep going. My mom always reminds me where I’ve come from, how much I’ve accomplished + that someone always has it worse off that I do. A dear friend once told me that when in the middle of those challenging seasons to remind myself of "the why". Why I am doing what i'm doing? Remembering that always halts my pity party quickly. 

Ok, so you’re sitting at a cafe across the table from your biggest  career inspiration, who is it and why?

I am so incredibly lucky to have two amazingly talented, driven + successful career inspirations as dear friends so i'm sitting at the coffee shop with them just picking their brains. I mostly ask about drive + how to get through the hard times. Everything else seems breezy compared to that!

Now, someone new to the career field is sitting across the table from you, what advice do you give them?

To find the most authentic version of yourself + let that person out. AND you're stronger than you think you are.

Would you go back and do any of it differently or just the same?

I think most would do things differently knowing what they know now.

So if that little kid you used to be before looked at you now, do you think they’d be excited to grow up?

Oh gosh. I hope so but I don't know. I’m still growing up myself!

What do you want to do next?

Own a home!!

What is your favourite saying/inspirational quote?

If you're wondering what you should do with your life, it's this: find a way to love people.