Today I will walk across a stage to say I have officially finished graduate school with my very own a master's degree and honestly I'm not looking forward to my ceremony because it's of little importance to me. What is though are all the moments that preceded this very day.

It's the encouragement I received from my twin brother who told me life can be bigger than we dreamed.
The example my sister set before me of being a young woman wanting to make her unique impact on the world.
The way my older brothers constantly and consistently persevered through everything to get where they are.
The constant support and patience my aunts and uncles gave me during some of my most confusing and lowest times of my educational career (and life).
My friends who never forgot to check in and say a warm "hi" even when work and school took me away from keeping in contact.
The surprising moments during the day that my parents would call to tell me how much they love me no matter how weird they thought my goals were.

I'm not looking forward to graduation because I've been too consumed with relishing in these moments and those who make it that much better. It's all those things that eclipse graduating because without them there would be no today.

Yes, I'm excited to finally be done with school and I'm happy that there is a day specifically set aside to celebrate and commemorate that chapter but partaking in it is more so of a makeshift gift for everyone that has contributed to the bettering of my life is someway no matter  how small.


To you all I say thank you from the bottom of my heart and every other crevice it has. Thank you. I will not walk across that stage alone but rather with every moment, word, and prayer you've blessed me with in mind. I walk with those thoughts just as I will for the rest of my life.  I will always be aware that my life is mine to own but it is not mine to keep solely to myself. Just as it was built by all of us I will promise to help others grow and build theirs. No matter where I go or what I do I promise to give just as I have been given to.

So I guess a congrats is also in order too - we made it! Yes yes y'all, we made it!

Choose to See The Good

Here are the empty set of pills that I have been taking for the last ten days. I just took my last one this morning.


Many of you don’t know that I had pneumonia last week. Heck, I didn’t even know until I was about 5 days in.

It’s the middle of an Australian Summer and the last thing I expected to hear from the doctor was, “The lab’s x-rays came back and you tested positive for pneumonia. Additionally, due to the state you’re in I am going to advise against your travels to New Zealand in a couple of days.”

image(I don’t see it but according to the lab, there’s a small spot on the lower region of my left lung that indicates pneumonia)

This was the point where I truly did expect someone to pop out and say jokes on you. I mean, I already had just lost 50 dollars on a concert I did not get to attend because if this sickness, don’t take New Zealand away from me too.

However, that’s e x a c t l y what happened. Not only did I miss out on seeing   James Vincent McMorrow live and running into Passenger (my friends just happen to bump into him after the concert. Out of all nights? Really?) but I also stayed behind while another one of my friends went onto our church’s ministry training in New Zealand without me. As days went on I did eventually get my health back but because I was so set on all I had missed I failed to thank God for pulling me through. I was so bothered by the fact of where I could have been that I chose not to see the blessings of my current situation.

However, as God would have it He quickly reminded me of how good I actually have it. I stumbled across an article in the news that told of  a 12-year-old girl named Taylor who wrote a letter to her 22-year-old self. Unfortunately she will never get to read it because she died of complications from pneumonia. It was a scary thing to read. She contracted the same sickness I had yet she did not make it through.  Here I was complaining about my missed opportunities when this little girl would never have one again.

How could I sit here, lament over this temporary disability, regain my health and still complain?

You see, it’s so easy to get caught up in what we can’t do and forget about what we can. I think a lot of us have become so accustomed to falling into bad situations and instead of finding a way out we actually build  make-shift homes to stay as if it’s so comfortable. You know what, come to think of it, that’s the same mindset is what kept the Israelites in the dessert for 40 years instead of 11 days (Deut. 1:2). Turn to the Old Testament, start from the book of Exodus and you’ll see what I mean.

The Bad:
Yes it did suck that they had been in captivity for 400+ years

That the first taste of freedom they received was into as land that reaches a high of 111º Fahrenheit.

They started out without food or water.

Their leader was an old man they barely knew anything of.

Not to mention is was just plain hot. Excessive heat just makes everything worse.  

However, what the Israelites failed to notice is if they focused on the upside and then thanked God for it they would have been able to punch through those 40 years in no time at all.
The Good Stuff:
God just took them out of lifelong captivity.

They were in the company of friends and family.

It could have been raining.

God provided them with fresh food everyday.

They were promised a bright future filled with prosperity.

God never left them, not once.

Dwelling on all the things you could, should, would have if (fill in the blank with your own “lost opportunity”) will get you nowhere. But I can promise you this: Focusing on what you actually have before you will help you to move on to bigger and greater things than what you initially set your eyes on. Look to God and all He has blessed you with (Deut. 8:12-18) and stop being such a Debbie Downer/Negative Nick.

You are can do more than you think.
You are more capable than what you give yourself credit for.
Your current situation should have no stronghold on your future ones.