Short and Sweet: Fight For Good

Regardless of the view before you or the angle at which you stand if you pick up a small coin and draw it close to your eye, pretty soon that coin will be all you see. 
Funny how life is also like that. No matter how good things look or how good your current situation actually is, the smallest of problems have the power to eclipse all that is going right. 
Yes, focussing on the good and looking away from the bad may be easier said than done but don't you think it's a fight worth fighting for? 
Today and every day, look towards everything good. Even if it  was a tiny blip on your screen or a fleeting moment that has already passed - focus on it. Let that eclipse everything else. Let that tide you over until the next good thing and let it give you hope that no matter what comes your way, good is always worth fighting for. 

Short & Sweet: Give Up

Give up the false security that playing it safe and staying small offer you.
There's no security, humility, or purpose in diminishing yourself out of fear - or any other reason for that matter. 
Be you. Authentically. Unapologetically. Fully.

Short & Sweet: The Wonder Years

These are our wonder years. Not because we believe that we are young, indestructible or invincible but because these are the years we learn who we are. In this time we will try and try and try again wondering how if will ever make it through these paths driven by love and passion rather than wealth and accumulation. 
And then, years from now when our trials have turned into successes we will look back and really wonder at the creation of how we became the grown adults we will be then.