My Wayward Child

So I stumbled across these words today…

Story of my life. I’ve felt this way ever since my last first day of college and that notion has haunted my thoughts ever since. Some days I would remember to actually come up with a plan and other days the best thing I could do was deny that the day after graduation was closer than ever. So, as the hours got longer somehow the days got shorter - fears will do that to you. It then dawned on me, I’m not in this alone. The brunt of this choice does not lie on my shoulders alone but God’s too. After going to Him in prayer, he said if you’re truly not ready, stay in incubation for a little while longer (okay, maybe not in those exact words but something similar). With that said, I applied to grad school.

I got to say, the waiting period after sending in my final portfolio pieces and my transcript… can’t even put into words the mix of emotions I had running through me. You know, the ones like: What if I don’t make it?” “Ahhh! Did I send in the right pieces?” “Shoot, did I put in the right address for them to contact me?” “What if getting into grad school is not God’s plan for me and I just thought it was and now I’m gonna be stuck in Oregon foreeeeeevvvvvveeeeerrrr?”

Anyway, long story short, short story long, I received this in the mail…

I got accepted into HOGWARTS!!!

Actually, no. I won’t be attending that school, I’ll be going to the University of New South Wales for their College of Fine Arts Program for Photo Media. Yeah. The only bummer part about this all is that my acceptance letter did not come on parchment in handwritten calligraphy. Oh well, I’ll just have to find someway to deal.

So, here is to the future. Here is to STILL not knowing what I want to do with it but being sure that God is ALWAYS there to lead me away from the path of the wayward.