Here's to the good in life.


I hope you take these moments and how they make you feel and you hold onto them for life. I hope that in this moment as you realize how amazing, how awesome, and capable, and stunning you are that you keep that realization with you forever. It's in this moment that truth is brought to light. It's in this moment that you finally believe in what was inside of you all along: greatness, strength, intelligence, ingenuity and grace. 

Hold on to it all because when bad moments come to try and steal what is so rightfully yours - and they will try - it will be hard to come back to that place of truth and light. It will feel like the darkness and its lies are winning. However, do not fear my dear. Pay it no mind because fear is only False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear knows your worth and tries to distract you from knowing it too. Hold on to the moments of joy, contentment, peace, strength and hope. They are truth and under no circumstance will truth ever fail, flee or falter.

Never lose your wonder.

 No matter where life leads you I hope you are never so consumed by the enormity of it all that you overlook the small wonders presented to you daily.

A few weekends back my family and a few friends took a drive few hours south to visit the small town of Kiama. Although Australia has many other cities worth exploring, we decided to take a day trip and stay a little local. So without further adieu, here are a few photos from that glorious Saturday.

Kiama, you are as gorgeous and breath-taking as ever. Your small town charm reminds me to be grateful for everything I have the chance to see.  I could not have put these words from Bethel Music any better myself when they said:

"May we never lose our wonder. May we never lose our wonder. Wide-eyed and mystafied, may we be just like child staring at the wonder of our king."
