Post Post-Grad


    Some posts ago I said I was finishing up grad school in less than one week, however things have changed! Now, a few blog posts later and grad school has been over for the last 3 weeks (No matter how many times I say that out loud or in my head, realizations like that make me squeel like a little girl who was just hugged by Harry Styles). 

      Given that, I’m sure everybody wants to know what my future plans are (and by everybody I mean probably just my parents, siblings, and a few relatives who have invested a lot of time, words of wisdom, prayers, money, extra bedrooms for me to crash in, and effort into any part of my educational career). Well let me tell you, my plans post post-grad go as follows:

1. Live life. 
2. Repeat step one while doing so in Sydney, Australia. 

      Yep, 12 years of grade school, 4 years of secondary eduction and a one-and-half-year post-graduate degree later the best answer I can come up with is to live life. I’m aware of the fact that my answer doesn’t sound too thorough or stable but still… Isn’t that the best answer any of us can come up with?
      The year before I graduated college I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Truth be told, that was a grand part of the reason why I decided to go to get my master’s degree. Everyone around me at the time had some sense of what they wanted, what they were good at (Maybe I missed the memo about that meeting). So I did what I usually do in situations like that, I prayed. Afterwards I sent in my application for grad school and that was that. 
      While my  time spent in school  did help me figure out more of  what I was interested in it didn’t help me figure out what exactly I could and would do. That part was all God. He helped me realize that the years I spent stuck having a one-track mind were actually limiting me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to make a general goal of where you’d like to be in x-amount of years but we can never successfully devise the actual  steps to get there (Proverbs 16:9 || Jeremiah 29:11). That part, again is all God.
      “Be open to new, to the unknown and the unexperienced”, He said. “That’s where unexpected opportunities and trust in who I Am have the best chance of thriving.” He constantly had to remind me that He knows the desires of my heart - of all of ours - the depths of my mind, and the ability of my hands. He would not have given such things to all of us us if were supposed to stay glued to one thing  for the rest of our lives. 
      So here goes nothing everything. Here is to taking time to design more stuff, starting a  business of my own, volunteering, blogging more, growing roots, listening to people’s stories, taking pride in how far we all have come, late nights followed by late mornings or early mornings preceded by early nights, helping others, sharing my love of Christ with the world, strengthening relationships, travelling, more photos, getting blown away by God’s unconditional and unending grace, new connections, roads less traveled, new customs, old traditions, family, friends, strangers, peers, co-workers, love, never stopping my education long after school has ended, unplanned moments, meticulously planned schedules,
living, imagination, faith, and excitement. 

Is it wishful thinking to title this post My First Bi-weekly Update or would it be just plain lying? I promise you, I do try to do more than just post pictures but sometimes time escapes me and that is all I can do.

Anyway, coming to you from the west side here are the recent events in my life:

-I’m falling in love with this place even more and more. I can see myself coming back to visit at least for a few months every few years. I don’t know about settling down here just yet though.

- My twin brother came about a month after I did so he’s been here for a few weeks. Ironically he was my first roommate (in life and in the womb) and now he’s my last right (See post proceeding update).

-I leave for grad school in less than a month and I found a place that does not include me squatting and/or living out of a suitcase. (I have been doing that a lot these last few months #PostCollegeLife)  Thanks to my aunt and uncle, they have generously allowed me to stay in the pool house. Also, they’re giving me a job. I was trusting in God to hook me up with something and now I got that plus more. Life is good. God is great.

-Speaking of grad school. I know I just said it starts soon but WOAH it really starts soon! If you haven’t read my previous posts, I’m attending the College of Fine Arts at the University of New South Wales for Photo Media. It’s a little nerve-racking but once I get settled in I know my excitement and curiosity will definitely trump all my anxiety.

-My dog, Tito is preggers. Yay for more German Sheps.

-The parents are all good. As independent as I have become throughout my years away from home, I truly enjoy being around them. Not that you needed to know but I felt like I just needed to include them somewhere in this post.

What else, what else, what else?

-Oh yes! My sister helps run an NGO (Nongovernmental Organization) called ACE (Assisting Caring & Empowering) over here in Nigeria. Through the things she has told and showed me, plus a some involvement on my part I can say that I am really proud of her. She is doing a wonderful thing that has and will continue to impact thousands of underprivileged Africans. This is not some skeptical org that offers you a chance to pay ¢10/day to some random child this organization is doing real things and making a change that YOU can actually see for yourself. Go check it out. Click on the ACE link here or above and just see what I’m talking about.

Nothing Is Okay

Free time can actually be quite debilitating… but only if you allow it to be. 

I just completed my bachelor’s degree. I have no job. My portfolio resembles a piece of fecal matter. Not to mention, I am currently squatting in the basement of my aunt and uncle’s house. To every adult out there this may seem like the worst but I am here to tell you that it is not.

“The future is so uncertain. We are struggling to make it out alive with careers built on love over money. Maybe that is why our parents think us to be lazy beings but it’s like, no mom and dad, we just refuse to work meaningless jobs that take up our time and dry out our passion.”

    -Excerpt taken from my first book, Twenty-Something To Life

When the realization of my current living condition gets to me I just think of that and remember that this (im)position that I am now in is temporary.


I have had a handful of adults as well as a few peers ask me what my plan is now that I am done with my undergrad. I can tell you that each and every time I reply with, “nothing really” I get the same reply: There’s the pause that’s then followed by a surprised look and undoubtedly a list of plans they think I need to follow. And might I add that none of those plans include  what I’m currently doing. I guess what I’m trying to uncover here is, WHAT IS WRONG WITH DOING NOTHING?

Nothing is necessary before the every next and we musn’t forget that. As much as I would like to say because I am twenty years of age I can now abide by the phrase “YOLO” , I cannot. These last few weeks have given me time to process and deliberate my next few steps. I want to be sure of what I am getting myself into before I sign a life commitment.

So, to all the parents out there who have kids sitting at home trust that all you have taught them over the last twenty-some-odd years have not gone to waste. You have raised us well and for that we will be forever grateful. Now is our time to figure out what paths and steps we need to take.  And to my age mates, remember that “nothing” is okay. Bask in it. Learn from it. Let it grow you.