A Healthy Dose of Life.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone else ever thinks the way I do. If they are ever in the middle of a moment and then think, “This is life. This is life? Woah. This is life!” And even though it’s no moment in particular, the fact that it’s happening reminds you that you are alive and living. It’s then that you start processing everything: what have you been doing? What are you doing? What will you do?! Are you happy? Have you made others the same? 

Those thoughts have been crossing my mind lately and whether it’s because I’m finishing grad school in 5 days or  maybe because it’s just that as we get older we tend to become more aware of our social and emotional surroundings. Who knows, it could even be a culmination of both those factors. 
One thing I am quite sure of is that no matter how somewhat “confused” those moments make me, they have definitely made me oh-so grateful. Not just because something momentous has happened in my life but because something happened period! They serve as reminders that God has always been faithful. He has never quit on me even when I did on myself. They are my healthy doses of reality and never let me forget how extraordinary life can -and will- be! 

A Message of Compassion

I am sure that you all have heard of the story about how Jesus fed the crowd of 5,000 with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. If you haven’t, can I encourage you to do so? It’s in Matthew 14. It was a great miracle Jesus preformed that day but that is not the main focus of what I am writing about now. While reading this story I was really touched by a certain line:

"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick."

Now to fully take in this moment you have to know about the one prior. Jesus had just heard His friend John the Baptist was murdered and because of that He left his disciples to be alone. It’s not many times in the Bible when you hear about Jesus venturing off to be by himself so for the times that He did you know it must have been something serious. Although Jesus had a heart for all those who died John the Baptist hit a little closer to home. Not only was John the one to baptized Jesus, they were also cousins. So to then hear John died due to a selfish king’s senseless actions made it even harder to bare. 

Whether troubled times are up ahead, you are in the midst of them, or you just got through them, to continually stand firm like He did is a thing many of us wish we could do. 
That is what truly snags at my heart strings. Jesus gave up his own personal time to be with the people. He had a heart to see beyond himself and reach the helpless. Imagine if everyone - me included - just gave up a little of their time instead of justifying it to fit their needs. Imagine how much lovelier the world would be.

Despite feeling upset and wanting to be alone, Jesus put his emotions aside for the need of others. How does someone do that? The death of any loved one makes focusing your mind on anything else one of the most difficult tasks in the world. Nonetheless, Jesus still HAD COMPASSION when the people came seeking him out. Everyone would have understood the circumstances had He chosen to say He couldn’t help but He didn’t. In His grief Jesus saw that He was still able to bless and help others so He did just that. In his sadness He still had a heart for everyone.



Your grace and compassion know no end. Thank you Jesus for being the purest form of love this world has ever known.

God is not a "Becky"

Have you ever had  one of those: “you bought something really cute with your best friend only to have gotten home and realize that the blue one you didn’t get looked totally better on you than the red one that’s now sitting in the back if your closet. And come to find out that same best friend totally thought you were making a mistake but was too nice to tell you anyway” moments? For purpose’s sake lets call that friend Becky* - everyone has a friend like Becky right? They mean well but that kind-hearted persona of theirs doesn’t bid well with the moments you really need tough love. 

I found myself reminiscing over my years in high school when I realized how grateful I now am that God was anything but a Becky during that time. 
Yes, I had my fair share of let-downs, minor disappointments, and changed plans but that was God’s way of tough love. The tough love that up until now I never knew I needed. 
(Disclaimer: it’s about to get a bit personal) If I had had the courage to ask a certain guy to Winter Formal I would have never gone stag with a group of girls and had one of the most fun nights of my high school career; if I did make the varsity volleyball team I would have never learned about certain  skills/gifts I had while participating on my school’s  leadership team. Or take that time I somehow managed to turn down that one guy who asked me out (TERRIBLE, in fact, HORRENDOUS flirting skills on my end), if I said yes I who knows how that relationship would have changed me. 

Look, what I’m trying to say here is that a “no” can be just as great as a “yes”. It’s all up to you on how it’s perceived.  
God is gonna give us a few “no”s in life but it’s not to harm us, it may hurt but it definitely won’t harm us. Nos are the necessary guidelines we need in life in order to make our years the best possible. They are ways of God saying, ”I love you so very much that saying no is the only way I can protect you from the harm you cannot see.”  Or in my case,  they are His way of saying, “Hold on I have something way greater in store for you.”

Just think, when you finally get that yes, it wouldn’t be as sweet if it weren’t preceded by a few of those two-lettered words. So from now on, whatever “no” comes your way take it with a grain of salt but with a whole dash of love.
"I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." - Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)

Ps. Nothing against the name or any person named Becky, it was just the first name that came to mind.

Her First Baby, My First Baby Shoot


She’s having a baby! It’s a boy!

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of helping out my friend Goddy on one of his shoots. I have done many other types of shoots before but never pregnancy ones. It was such a great experience - not to mention fun too. I added the pictures I took to my online portfolio. Just click on the ‘Lifestyle’ section. 


Thanks Goddy for allowing me to tag along and CONGRATULATIONS to Paida on your baby boy. 

Certain words are like fireworks or grenades in your life. People will tell you something and they will either come back to set off something magnificent or they will be timed modes of destruction. Luckily I’ve hard a lot more of the former and less of the latter in my life.

Anchors n Oceans

Ihe Neme (Things Are Happening)

  • You’re thinking of plans on how to entertain the kids.
  • Setting your alarm clock for an  earlier time to squeeze more things on your schedule.
  • Considering how your currently terrible situation can be used as a testimony.
  • Praying for others more than you pray for yourself.
  • Writing down a reminder to buy thank you cards for the volunteer workers.
  • Learning that the choosing your battles have become a part of your nature.
  • Seeing the cool in what you’re even 2-years-younger self would have found embarrassing.
  • Making a little extra dinner for your roommate out of want rather than obligation
  • Simply deciding not to get a manicure because you’re on dish duty the next day and you’re okay with it.
  • Calling your relatives because they would like to talk to you even though the feeling may not be fully mutual.
  • Finding joy in eating alone once in a while rather than fearing it.

Call it whatever you wish, maturity, growing up, life, what have you. All I know is that it is here and although I didn’t even know when it hit realizing how it has slowly altered my everyday actions has made me more appreciative of the life given me.