Dear My Generation, Your actions will outlive you.

"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

While we may not be old enough to look back and be fully satisfied we are also not young enough to look forward and take our time. There are far too many wonderful and life-impacting  things out there that we have yet to come across. There are so many people we have not yet met. Let’s live fully and leave this world better than we entered it 20+ years ago. 

Why is being single seen as such a sucky thing in society? 

Why do we put so much time and effort harping on a the glory of marriage when we have something great now? Please, don’t get me wrong, marriage is gonna rock. However, today and this season of single-ness that you are in is just as good in its own way if you allow it to be so.

A Healthy Dose of Life.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone else ever thinks the way I do. If they are ever in the middle of a moment and then think, “This is life. This is life? Woah. This is life!” And even though it’s no moment in particular, the fact that it’s happening reminds you that you are alive and living. It’s then that you start processing everything: what have you been doing? What are you doing? What will you do?! Are you happy? Have you made others the same? 

Those thoughts have been crossing my mind lately and whether it’s because I’m finishing grad school in 5 days or  maybe because it’s just that as we get older we tend to become more aware of our social and emotional surroundings. Who knows, it could even be a culmination of both those factors. 
One thing I am quite sure of is that no matter how somewhat “confused” those moments make me, they have definitely made me oh-so grateful. Not just because something momentous has happened in my life but because something happened period! They serve as reminders that God has always been faithful. He has never quit on me even when I did on myself. They are my healthy doses of reality and never let me forget how extraordinary life can -and will- be! 

Let it go but hold on

While the idea of letting go is good and all, don’t dismiss the notion of holding on either. Hold on to good, hold onto what you desire, what makes you to grow, and most especially, hold onto yourself.

A few months ago, I attended a night service at my church and that is when I was called to hold on to who I am. I remember sitting down in a row not too far from the front when all of a sudden the guest pastor we had speaking that night came up to me, looked me directly in the eye and said, “You need to stand permanent. Make your declaration. Don’t let people question who you are or give you your own definition of who you are. Put a stamp on your life and make it distinct. Don’t leave trash in your life; pick it up. Don’t let things just happen, plan!” Now I may have missed out on a few other lines because I was taken a bit back by his candor and boldness but t after a while I understood what he meant.

God has so much in store for me - for all of us - but I’m never going to see it if I don’t clear all the things in my way. Moments in life are gonna come in and move your life so far off path that you won’t know which way is left. There are going to be situations when it feels like the opposing force has won and the best thing to do is surrender. To all of that, I say NO. Make a stand for yourself and remain strong in it. Even to all the great and good-intentioned suggestions, it’s okay to say no. Know what you want, know who you are and forge on.

You might think, what if Susie doesn’t like it or I wonder what Jamie will say to me now. It’s okay if people cannot accept your growth. Be you and the right people will come. Not only that, but the right things like moments and opportunities will find themselves at your feet ready to fall into place. Stop working so hard for a fake fit when you can have a solid deal in the easiest way possible - being you. It might take sometime in the beginning because truthfully told it does take so much courage to be who you are. Fortunately, staying on that path is worth the fight and the time spent.

 I just want to share a song that rings so true to me and I hope it helps you too. It’s by one of my all time favorite bands, Needtobreathe. It’s called Slumber (click on the image below to listen to the song).


Days they force you
Back under those covers
Lazy mornings they multiply
But glory’s waiting
Outside your window
So wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

Tongues are violent
Personal and focused
Tough to beat with
Your steady mind
But hearts are stronger after broken
So, wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

All these victims
Stand in line for
The crumbs that fall from the table
Just enough to get by
All the while
Your invitation
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

Take from vandals
All you want now
Please, don’t trade it in for life
Replace the feeble
With the fable
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

All these victims
Stand in line for
The crumbs that fall from the table
Just enough to get by
All the while
Your invitation
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

Come on
Sing like we used to
Dance when you want to
Taste of the breakthrough
And open wide

All these victims
Stand in line for
The crumbs that fall from the table
Just enough to get by
All the while
Your invitation
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

Come on
Sing like we used to
And dance like you want to
Come on now and open your eyes

Come on
Sing it like we used to
And we’ll dance like we want to
Come on and open up your eyes

I take a look back at the life Christ died for, mine. Although He was always there I wasn’t always aware. I was lost but now I am found and f o r e v e r grateful. Not only did I gain an identity in Him but I also gained a purpose, love. I must love others the way He has relentlessly and undauntedly loved me. In that love I pray that the world will see Jesus and be drawn to His light, love, and grace.

I take a look back at the life Christ died for, mine. Although He was always there I wasn’t always aware. I was lost but now I am found and f o r e v e r grateful. Not only did I gain an identity in Him but I also gained a purpose, love. I must love others the way He has relentlessly and undauntedly loved me. In that love I pray that the world will see Jesus and be drawn to His light, love, and grace.

I take a look back at the life Christ died for, mine. Although He was always there I wasn’t always aware. I was lost but now I am found and f o r e v e r grateful. Not only did I gain an identity in Him but I also gained a purpose, love. I must love others the way He has relentlessly and undauntedly loved me. In that love I pray that the world will see Jesus and be drawn to His light, love, and grace.

I take a look back at the life Christ died for, mine. Although He was always there I wasn’t always aware. I was lost but now I am found and f o r e v e r grateful. Not only did I gain an identity in Him but I also gained a purpose, love. I must love others the way He has relentlessly and undauntedly loved me. In that love I pray that the world will see Jesus and be drawn to His light, love, and grace.


Guest Blogger: March

I used to work in a shoe store; you would know that if you saw my wardrobe. They say that if you own 2 pairs of shoes then you are in the top 10% of the wealthiest in the world, well given my collection I could possibly be the 1%!

I worked there for 2 years whilst studying and made some great friends. Generally my work mates were all girls, they ranged from 18-23 years old, I love them all, they are generous, funny, caring and beautiful but the one thing they all have in common is that they are obsessed with cosmetic surgery! A lot of the conversations they had with each other were about what they were getting done, what they’ve had done and what they are hoping to get done. Which for me, coming from the Church bubble really really surprised me.

What I realised is that we are all broken people, and we’re all searching for something. What I’ve noticed, not just about them but myself is that we are looking for approval and acceptance, and I saw this in my friends from work. Maybe it was approval from themselves, maybe from each other, maybe from boyfriends, other friends or maybe from society as a whole.

I tend to have this same cry as well, that I “need” to be liked by everyone, that if I’m not, then there is something wrong with me, and it needs to be fixed. But what I believe as a Christian is that Jesus fulfills every single one of our needs, whether it’s comfort, security, approval, acceptance or anything else we can come up with. The reason why Christians are, and should be, so counter-cultural is that we are simply fulfilled by Jesus, that we don’t need the things of this world.


So what I decided to do was put my thoughts to paper, on this idea that it’s quite obvious we’re not all “perfect”, there are things about ourselves that we don’t like or that we wish we could change, and it’s not just physical things but also our personalities and fixing our broken relationship with God. I want these girls to understand about the God that created them, what he thinks about them and that through Jesus they have ALL the approval they could ever need and ALL the acceptance they could ever want.

This is a revolutionary idea, and it’s a challenge, when the whole world is going one direction, it’s not the easiest thing to take a step of faith and decide to go the opposite direction. There isn’t always an instant pay off, sometimes we may not see the fruit of our choices but it is a game changer when we can get to a place as Paul did in Philippians 3:8 when we can say “I consider all things as loss…that I may gain Christ”.

What a life we have been called to live!


For the month of February I’d like you all to meet Josh Hawkins. Not only does he inspire but he’s just an all-around chill and funny guy with a great story to tell. Don’t believe me, just click on the word funny and you’ll see what I mean. After you have been thoroughly convinced head on over to his blog, Hi Josh for some more cool stuff.

Movin' to the country, gon' eat me lotta peaches


If you’re like me and you have ventured out to the great unknown or are planning to, here is a compilation of a few things - some practical and some more personal - I have learned about moving to another city/country/continent (Pick one that suits you best).

Leave your baggage behind. Your future self will thank you for it. When you forgo all the things that you only think you need and hold on to items of actual importance and quality your view of everything changes for the better. And I am not simply talking about physical items either, I mean things like moments and emotions too. Travel light and go further. Not to mention, it gives you a great excuse to fully immerse yourself in that new culture and get accustomed to something else.

"If you use the same bricks from your old house to build a new home, you’re gonna get the same results." While it’s cool to say that you were given a fresh start it’s not cool have spent all your time wasting it. Use this opportune time to exceed your past expectations. Put in more work. Change your style. Be adventurous. Be an introvert. Start going on daily walks. Go ahead and put your first dollar into that savings account you’ve been planning to create for the last 5 years. Read a book. Join a plant club. Now is the best time to do anything.

Take public transportation for the first 3 months. Your future self will also thank  you for this because when you finally get that yellow Lambo you will have  a better sense of your surroundings and  actually know where you’re going.

Know that it is MORE than okay to not make friends within the first few months of your arrival. There are a lot of blogs out there that advise you to make all the besties you can but I want you to know, it’s okay if you don’t follow that path. I’m not saying you will go through the same thing, but because I expected to have great friends off the bat actually made it harder and a lot more disappointing when it didn’t happen. However, I used that time to connect with God and with myself (see 2 paragraphs below). Eventually, I did find (actually, more like they found me) a really solid group of people that I have come to call family.

Work. You may have come here to start anew, climb up the (add your preferred field of work here) ladder but things will take time. Be prepared to use your brain, hands and heart to (l)earn all that you can.

Hang out with yourself. And no  I’m not just talking about spending alone time at home and watching T.V. I mean go out, have coffee, attend an exhibition at your local - or the next town over - museum. Be open to new. Get to know yourself again. Chances are, with a change in location, you also have a few changes in personality. Find out what you don’t like anymore, or get invested in something you have now come to love. Additionally, with that said, don’t forget old “habits”. These are the things that ground you. For me, it’s spending time with God by reading the Bible, praying, and listing to praise and worship music. It helps me to remember that although I took this trip by myself I am not alone. For you, it could be talking to your sister at least once a week, finding time to cook dinner during the weekend, running in the mornings, etc.

Start a savings account like ASAP. Don’t say that you just spent all your money on food, gas, rent, internet, etc. Blah, blah, blah. All that was heard was a  long list of excuses. You can start with putting at least one dollar a day away and build on it from there.

Ask questions. Don’t be a nervous Nicholas and think asking will make you look dumb. You know what will, walking around the same intersection for more than 10 minutes because you thought you could figure it out yourself. Same goes with everything else, ask what’s in the food before you spend 20 dollars on the plate, raise your hand in class when the word “ute” gets brought up like 20 times and you have no clue what a ute is, stop someone so you can find out what time it is, etc. Just ask questions.

Call home at least once a week and keep in contact with your friends. I would say no explanation needed here but I really want to drive this point home. Don’t forget where you came from and the support system that helped you to get to where you are. It’s all too easy to go a while without reaching out but even if it’s just a little  text or email to say “I miss you”.  Also, never  ever underestimate the power of leaving a message. Just because they didn’t pick up on the first try, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t love to hear you when they get the chance to check their voice mail (Call me cray but I still have a few messages saved from my siblings and parents from over a year ago just because it warms my heart to hear them when I know they can’t talk).

 I’ve said it before (#6) but I’ll repeat myself for good measure. Tread cautiously when it comes to social network pages. Don’t spend so much time on those sites and end up wishing you had a different life. Pictures and posts from other people only tell you 1/4 of the story and none of the true struggle. I can assure you that they are going through the same thing you are.

Oh yes, and lastly, stay thankful. There will be moments where you will question your reasoning and/or sanity for being here  but remember how blessed you are to be in a position that thousands of others would fight tooth and nail for. You might think you have gotten nowhere but I bet if your 6-year-old self could, he or she would PROUDLY bring you in to show you off on career day.

From Portland, Oregon to Sydney, Australia


This time last year I was a 21-year-old girl with two suitcases to her name and a head full of dreams. Today I’m still that same girl, only I’m 22, those suitcases are now unpacked with the belongings settled in my closet, and that head of mine now has bigger dreams.

These last 12 months have been such a whirlwind of emotions, thoughts, and actions. I’m finding it quite difficult to actually sum up everything I’ve been through to present to you guys in a cute little package. However, as I write this, the song Oceans by Hillsong comes to mind.

For all the countless times this song has been played and the  of hundreds of  others that it has been quoted on one blog or another, I am sure that with each one this song has held a different meaning.


"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

I will call upon Your Name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine”


My year has been nothing like I planned or hoped but with that said, it has actually been far better and greater than I imagined. Never would I have imagined myself leading a small campus youth group while en route to becoming a campus minister (Don’t let the title scare you There are no tight white collars and lack of colors around here). I surely would not have seen myself befriending the people I have today - not because of who they are but because of who I was. Lastly, amongst many other unmentioned things, everyday I seem to fall in love with God and His grace a bit more than I think to be possible.


As easy as it was to list all those things that I have been blessed with, getting them was not. I’ve had my fair share of troubles and doubts, times where all I wanted to do was run back home, travel back in time and pretend that my problems were not my own. However, I couldn’t and the the realization that I couldn’t was painful and surprisingly tiring.

Australia is not some place where you go and the sun shines ever yday, life is  easy and full. It is not the place where your dreams come true… unless you will it to be. For a good portion of this last year, I relied solely on the fact that I had moved to AUSTRALIA! , and that living here would all of a sudden make my life cool and complete. But like any unstable foundation, that excuse started to crumble. God showed me that even the greenest of grasses can turn brown without Him. The most beautiful places on earth are mere smudges without His guiding hand to help you see.

That is one of the biggest lessons I have learned this year. I think God brought me to this exact place to help me realize that. It took a lot of hard work on my part and unreasonable amounts of patience, grace, love, and understanding on His to get me to this permanent mindset.

So whether this next year brings me back Oregon rain or keeps me under Sydney sun, I know I am going to be okay and even more grateful for any position I am put in.


Lastly, to all who were with me from the beginning or even yesterday; if you read a blog post or all of them; encouraged me; missed sleep because of the crazy Australia-America time difference just to give me an ear to talk to; dished out advice or a mouthful of prayer; if you are family, friends, or just an acquittance; whatever hand you put in or fingerprint you left upon my life I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. This journey and my life would not be the same without you. The blessings you all have been to me, I pray the same for you 100 fold. I love you guys.


Some days I forget to selah (pause, breathe, and give thanks) and that leaves me with an overwhelming feeling of stress, doubt, and anxiety. However, before those feelings have time to take root, this is what God tells me:

If you stop comparing you can see it.
If you stop rushing you can feel it.
If you stop complaining you can hear it.
If you just stop you can notice that life is good.
Life is beautiful.
You are blessed.

It’s then that I am reminded of the truth, that I am right where I need (and want) to be.

God is not a "Becky"

Have you ever had  one of those: “you bought something really cute with your best friend only to have gotten home and realize that the blue one you didn’t get looked totally better on you than the red one that’s now sitting in the back if your closet. And come to find out that same best friend totally thought you were making a mistake but was too nice to tell you anyway” moments? For purpose’s sake lets call that friend Becky* - everyone has a friend like Becky right? They mean well but that kind-hearted persona of theirs doesn’t bid well with the moments you really need tough love. 

I found myself reminiscing over my years in high school when I realized how grateful I now am that God was anything but a Becky during that time. 
Yes, I had my fair share of let-downs, minor disappointments, and changed plans but that was God’s way of tough love. The tough love that up until now I never knew I needed. 
(Disclaimer: it’s about to get a bit personal) If I had had the courage to ask a certain guy to Winter Formal I would have never gone stag with a group of girls and had one of the most fun nights of my high school career; if I did make the varsity volleyball team I would have never learned about certain  skills/gifts I had while participating on my school’s  leadership team. Or take that time I somehow managed to turn down that one guy who asked me out (TERRIBLE, in fact, HORRENDOUS flirting skills on my end), if I said yes I who knows how that relationship would have changed me. 

Look, what I’m trying to say here is that a “no” can be just as great as a “yes”. It’s all up to you on how it’s perceived.  
God is gonna give us a few “no”s in life but it’s not to harm us, it may hurt but it definitely won’t harm us. Nos are the necessary guidelines we need in life in order to make our years the best possible. They are ways of God saying, ”I love you so very much that saying no is the only way I can protect you from the harm you cannot see.”  Or in my case,  they are His way of saying, “Hold on I have something way greater in store for you.”

Just think, when you finally get that yes, it wouldn’t be as sweet if it weren’t preceded by a few of those two-lettered words. So from now on, whatever “no” comes your way take it with a grain of salt but with a whole dash of love.
"I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." - Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)

Ps. Nothing against the name or any person named Becky, it was just the first name that came to mind.

Guest Blogger: January

The start of the new year is always filled with such interesting, exciting, and fresh things - why should a blog be any different? Instead of the regular guest blogs I post each month, this one varies a little from the norm. Looking for a new desktop background, I stumbled upon this girl’s tumblr page full of beautifully designed words. Interested in what she had done I contacted her and she was happy enough to share her story and reasons behind her words. 


I’m Sara, an aspiring graphic designer from Budapest, Hungary. I started this journey 4 years ago, when I left my hotel management studies and started to pursue this dream that I believe God has put in my heart. Long story short, today I’m working as a freelance graphic designer.  
I love to create, design and use it as a tool to show the grace, love and the life that’s full of adventures and joy. A joy that’s not necessarily about being unrealistically happy all the time but a joy that comes from  within, no matter the circumstances.  
Being a creative person doesn’t mean you always find the right solution or always know how to create something that works design wise. You have to spend many many hours to make it work. But if you’re a 100% sure that you’re on the right path you’ll also get the strength and patience to finish and finish well.  
I always loved typography. Somehow the way letters are formed and how they connect to each other always had my interest. Lettering - hand-drawn words and letterforms -is something that I always enjoy doing. It simply makes me happy. So this past December I wanted to challenge myself to do a series. I decided to make one each day until Christmas day. About that time I was struggling with being content and believing that God is with me through everything. The reason this could’ve happened is because I kind of forgot His word. The promises that he said. So that gave me this idea of starting to collect the promises that he has made. This is how #theprmsprjct (The Promise Project) started.  
‘To encourage and remind in this advent season.” - That how I described this project on my website. I knew that this could help others as well as it would help me to remember.  
Sometimes life gets complicated. We forget, we can’t see clearly. We need to be reminded of what God said about us, and what he has promised for our lives. We face hundreds of lies each day. You’re not valuable. You’re not worth it. You don’t have a future. You’re a failure. You’re not enough.  
But that’s not what the Creator of the universe says about you. If we don’t spend time in the Word of God we can easily be deceived. We need to hear the truth, and remind ourselves of it.


And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.”

2 Peter 1:4 



I am all for creating, using your hands, taking full advantage of your mind, and then sharing that gift (through collaboration or exhibition) with others. That’s why this month I am more than excited to share Sara’s story and her work with you.

See more of her incredible work here: 

“Thanksgiving is more than eating, Chuck.” - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

insert thanksgiving photo here

It’s a week from the thanksgiving that I didn’t get to celebrate but I’m still grateful.

Even though I was not able to celebrate Thanksgiving the way I normally do, I’m glad I was given a chance to celebrate it in a new way. There was no turkey on the table, no game on the tv and certainly no excitement to participate in the craziness that was Black Friday - sadly, Australia doesn’t recognize these awesome customs. However, in the absence of those things it dawned on me that I can still give thanks for the life I have and all the trappings that come along with it.

I could give thanks that Thursday was just like any other day, which is seriously nothing to complain about. I work at a job I truly appreciate; I’m able spend time with family that I absolutely adore and friends who are basically family; and I didn’t get a turkey but I still get to chow down on good ol’ regular food. Finally I can give thanks for and to a God who has graciously provided all of this for me.

So that’s what I did. I gave thanks and in doing so it made me even more joyful. The Thanksgiving holiday only comes once a year but the heart of it should be something we put into practice everyday, with or without he food. In doing that we become more grateful for all the big and little things as well as all the things in between.

-Give thanks we will for life is sweet for sure!

Her First Baby, My First Baby Shoot


She’s having a baby! It’s a boy!

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of helping out my friend Goddy on one of his shoots. I have done many other types of shoots before but never pregnancy ones. It was such a great experience - not to mention fun too. I added the pictures I took to my online portfolio. Just click on the ‘Lifestyle’ section. 


Thanks Goddy for allowing me to tag along and CONGRATULATIONS to Paida on your baby boy. 

God Wants Me To Be Unclean

I’ve been sitting here in my bed for the last half hour or so as I just continue to stare out into my room. My clothes are strewn about. Socks lay next to my boots instead of the hamper that’s only a few inches away. The bag of paper trash is more than full. Jackets are falling off hangers and I lay in a bed that still remains to be unmade. If I can say so myself, I’ve come a long way since high school.


I am no longer that girl who could not have people in her room for too long without the fear of it becoming messy or the person in the house who hated the sight of food left out on the table. I still take pleasure in being early to events and meetings but arriving ridiculously so is an old habit to me now. And among many other things, having a few unplanned extra things in my day doesn’t leave me at my wit’s end.

It’s amazing the things God does to you and for you when you take the time to pray about it.

It was about a year ago that I noticed how a bit overly dramatic I was when it came to having things done my way. If I didn’t complain about it, I sure was silently stressing about it. It was never a real problem to me though because I found joy in the sense of control I had. Unfortunately that bubble burst after I realized how little the amount I actually had after my sister got married (In the Nigerian culture, as well as probably hundreds of others, after the older sibling settles down everyone in and outside of your family turns to you to find out when your wedding will be. I’m sure they meant well but it still left me with a lot to think about). When the time eventually comes for me to get married what if my husband is great in all areas except cleanliness? What if he leaves the cereal bag inside the box unraveled? What if he he’s the type to leave his clean clothes in the dryer for days after they’re done. What if he leaves the toilet paper roll facing up not down? (Okay my need for clean wasn’t as cray as the direction of toilet paper but still) My head was processing a thousand What ifs per second?

Using all the faith I had, I prayed that God would start working on him now. That he would go through a series of life events that would make him turn into the clean man I needed. However, like most things in life, God always has a different plan. Maybe it was the fact that I was so intent on what I wanted that I failed to realize until a few months later that God said:

"You need to allow room for more dirt in your life."

And to that I replied, “God say whaaaat?!” I mean isn’t there an old saying that goes cleanliness is next to Godliness?

You see, what I have now come to realize is that it was never about being clean but an extreme way to control things. A way to make myself feel better about myself. A way to make myself feel better than others. When God told me to “get dirty” He didn’t actually mean become a slob. He was trying to show me that things were not in my power to control because that was and still is His job. He also wanted to show me just how much I needed Him to make me even better than the standards I had for myself. Additionally, while all that was going on, getting rid of these overly zealous ideals allowed more room for new and older relationships to grow. Just because some people were not as organized as I would like them to be didn’t mean they were bad friends, co-workers, or family members. Who was I to judge? I was a clean freak and look how I terribly I thought of other people.

Anyway, long story short, I began to understand what God was doing, who He was trying to turn me into. After that I then began to pray for the opposite. Instead of making my husband cleaner, I asked Him to allow me to accept things that do not go my way. Allow my heart to be content with situations, people, and yes, happily welcome “dirt” into my life.

It’s such a relieving feeling to relinquish control because I know something greater than me has my best interest at hand and also has the power to do far more than I ever thought possible.

PS. I’m not going to leave my room in the current state I just described - I will clean it up...eventually ;)

Certain words are like fireworks or grenades in your life. People will tell you something and they will either come back to set off something magnificent or they will be timed modes of destruction. Luckily I’ve hard a lot more of the former and less of the latter in my life.

Anchors n Oceans

He Created The Lions, and Tigers, and Bears


Happy Friday everyone! 

Yes, these pictures are about a week old but who’s counting? Last week my friends and I went to Toronga Zoo and had such a blast! I haven’t been to one in years  and quite frankly, that is a little too long for me. Taking stroller bag full of goodies and snacks (sadly those snacks were finished earlier than expected and didn’t even make it to the picnic we had planned after) we hopped on a ferry that took us to zoo and made a day of it. We saw so many animals. Way more than the pictures you see above. 

Out of all the animals there though the baby giraffe was my favorite. He was so adorable I just couldn’t get over it. Seeing him reminded me of just how creative and astounding God is. To think He created all animals - even the gross green frog - from nothing but His thoughts is just mind blowing. 

Anyway, whatever your plans are for this weekend, I hope they are fun, productive, relaxing, and above all blessed. 

Spoken Word

My new-found love for spoken word brought me to these videos. The words were gorgeously and articulately written and I commend them for having the boldness to stand before so many viewers to speak on their truth, stories, and views.
Take a few moments to watch them. They may not be your exact story but maybe you can relate to one or get advice from another. Anyway, here they are.


Spoken Word Testimony - Sheena Starks



I Love You More - Lance Devore



31 To Be Exact - 31 Status