There Are More Than 7 World Wonders

image I cannot believe it’s been a little over two years since my visit to England (and a few days in Wales that were incredibly too short). In a post some months ago I talked about my immense love for travel. Looking back, I don’t think if it were for my trip to England (which also happened to be my first solo trip) I would not have such a heart for this activity. It started out as a simple trip to study abroad at the University of Cambridge and then to visit my cousins but it turned out to be so much more. I met people from all over the world, experienced a new culture, ate some of the best food I’ve ever had, and was able to witness breath-taking views.


All that aside, the one common string through all that was God. He was there with me on the plane over when I was nervous as ever; He was there to help me break out of my shell so I could meet new (now old) friends; there to open my mind to see things in a new light so I could better experience them all. Yes, I had the money for all the expenses like school supplies, trips to London, etcetera, etcetera, but what good would they all have been if I didn’t have the heart and courage for it? image

Ever since I got back I told myself that I wouldn’t wait until the next big trip to appreciate my surroundings.


I really do think God talks to us through more ways than bible verses because not long after I found that quote by Marcel Proust. Going back to Oregon for my senior year at uni was difficult - I never wanted to leave England. Nonetheless, with my new heart and new eyes I came back and learned to love what was once boring. The same thing can be said now that the “honey moon” phase of my move to Australia is slowing down.  I don’t want to take this time in my life for granted just because of my inability to see the diamond(s) in the rough.


I urge you all to do the same thing.  You might have been born in the same place you live now or even if you find yourself moving more than me, don’t let that stop you from exploring. Never stop making an adventure of everything you do and every place you go.


With that said, Happy Travelings!

Whilst I wait

Hello there! 

I’m currently on the phone waiting for my tax file information. They have put me on hold for almost half an hour now. No sour grapes here because that means I get to post!

What better a thing to talk about than what to do while you’re waiting. It’s one of those conundrums that plague us everyday: I don’t want to leave the area because I may need to reference one of my papers in case they come back on the line but I don’t want to stay either because I have nothing to do and actually get a jump start on other work is just preposterous.

Alas! I have solved all your problems. I have compiled a list of interesting things for you to read, glance at, and skim through to kill the time. It will keep you entertained and more importantly it in place for when that oh-so-personable and possibly non-automated operator comes back.

1) 15 Swedish words We Should Incorporate Into English Immediately (Thanks Joanna for this)

2) The new Wolverine Trailer - I’m not a reader but I love movies that deal with comic books

3) Better yet, while you’re at it, here are all the new movie trailers that are hitting theaters soon. Get excited, there are some good ones!

4)One of my FAVORITE books (My Careers teacher in 10th grade showed me the documentary version and my way of thinking has never been the same).

5) Bruce Davidson’s Photos

6) Create the future you imagine

7) Designsperation

8) Apartment Therapy - This may or may not be more distracting than Pinterest.

9) 19 Things To Stop Doing (Not just for 20-somethings either)

10a) Hopefully by the time you have completed numbers 1-9, a 10th task won’t be necessary.

10b) However, if 10a is not true go here. Read this. and Know these words are true.