Music of the Month: January


1. Walk the Moon  - Shut Up and Dance

2.Peking Duck ft. SAFIA - Take Me Over 

3. Ella Henderson - Yours (Wideboys Remix)

4. Josef Salvat - Open Season 

Ps. Happy Birthday Justin Timberlake

Music of The Month: June

1. Window In The Sky - Kim Churchill

2. There’s Something In The Water - Brooke Fraser

3. Talk Is Cheap - Chet Faker

4. Fix My Eyes - For King and Country

Music of The Month: June

1. Window In The Sky - Kim Churchill

2. There’s Something In The Water - Brooke Fraser

3. Talk Is Cheap - Chet Faker

4. Fix My Eyes - For King and Country

Music of The Month: June

1. Window In The Sky - Kim Churchill

2. There’s Something In The Water - Brooke Fraser

3. Talk Is Cheap - Chet Faker

4. Fix My Eyes - For King and Country

Music of The Month: June

1. Window In The Sky - Kim Churchill

2. There’s Something In The Water - Brooke Fraser

3. Talk Is Cheap - Chet Faker

4. Fix My Eyes - For King and Country

Let it go but hold on

While the idea of letting go is good and all, don’t dismiss the notion of holding on either. Hold on to good, hold onto what you desire, what makes you to grow, and most especially, hold onto yourself.

A few months ago, I attended a night service at my church and that is when I was called to hold on to who I am. I remember sitting down in a row not too far from the front when all of a sudden the guest pastor we had speaking that night came up to me, looked me directly in the eye and said, “You need to stand permanent. Make your declaration. Don’t let people question who you are or give you your own definition of who you are. Put a stamp on your life and make it distinct. Don’t leave trash in your life; pick it up. Don’t let things just happen, plan!” Now I may have missed out on a few other lines because I was taken a bit back by his candor and boldness but t after a while I understood what he meant.

God has so much in store for me - for all of us - but I’m never going to see it if I don’t clear all the things in my way. Moments in life are gonna come in and move your life so far off path that you won’t know which way is left. There are going to be situations when it feels like the opposing force has won and the best thing to do is surrender. To all of that, I say NO. Make a stand for yourself and remain strong in it. Even to all the great and good-intentioned suggestions, it’s okay to say no. Know what you want, know who you are and forge on.

You might think, what if Susie doesn’t like it or I wonder what Jamie will say to me now. It’s okay if people cannot accept your growth. Be you and the right people will come. Not only that, but the right things like moments and opportunities will find themselves at your feet ready to fall into place. Stop working so hard for a fake fit when you can have a solid deal in the easiest way possible - being you. It might take sometime in the beginning because truthfully told it does take so much courage to be who you are. Fortunately, staying on that path is worth the fight and the time spent.

 I just want to share a song that rings so true to me and I hope it helps you too. It’s by one of my all time favorite bands, Needtobreathe. It’s called Slumber (click on the image below to listen to the song).


Days they force you
Back under those covers
Lazy mornings they multiply
But glory’s waiting
Outside your window
So wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

Tongues are violent
Personal and focused
Tough to beat with
Your steady mind
But hearts are stronger after broken
So, wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

All these victims
Stand in line for
The crumbs that fall from the table
Just enough to get by
All the while
Your invitation
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

Take from vandals
All you want now
Please, don’t trade it in for life
Replace the feeble
With the fable
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

All these victims
Stand in line for
The crumbs that fall from the table
Just enough to get by
All the while
Your invitation
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

Come on
Sing like we used to
Dance when you want to
Taste of the breakthrough
And open wide

All these victims
Stand in line for
The crumbs that fall from the table
Just enough to get by
All the while
Your invitation
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

Come on
Sing like we used to
And dance like you want to
Come on now and open your eyes

Come on
Sing it like we used to
And we’ll dance like we want to
Come on and open up your eyes


Guest Blogger: March

I used to work in a shoe store; you would know that if you saw my wardrobe. They say that if you own 2 pairs of shoes then you are in the top 10% of the wealthiest in the world, well given my collection I could possibly be the 1%!

I worked there for 2 years whilst studying and made some great friends. Generally my work mates were all girls, they ranged from 18-23 years old, I love them all, they are generous, funny, caring and beautiful but the one thing they all have in common is that they are obsessed with cosmetic surgery! A lot of the conversations they had with each other were about what they were getting done, what they’ve had done and what they are hoping to get done. Which for me, coming from the Church bubble really really surprised me.

What I realised is that we are all broken people, and we’re all searching for something. What I’ve noticed, not just about them but myself is that we are looking for approval and acceptance, and I saw this in my friends from work. Maybe it was approval from themselves, maybe from each other, maybe from boyfriends, other friends or maybe from society as a whole.

I tend to have this same cry as well, that I “need” to be liked by everyone, that if I’m not, then there is something wrong with me, and it needs to be fixed. But what I believe as a Christian is that Jesus fulfills every single one of our needs, whether it’s comfort, security, approval, acceptance or anything else we can come up with. The reason why Christians are, and should be, so counter-cultural is that we are simply fulfilled by Jesus, that we don’t need the things of this world.


So what I decided to do was put my thoughts to paper, on this idea that it’s quite obvious we’re not all “perfect”, there are things about ourselves that we don’t like or that we wish we could change, and it’s not just physical things but also our personalities and fixing our broken relationship with God. I want these girls to understand about the God that created them, what he thinks about them and that through Jesus they have ALL the approval they could ever need and ALL the acceptance they could ever want.

This is a revolutionary idea, and it’s a challenge, when the whole world is going one direction, it’s not the easiest thing to take a step of faith and decide to go the opposite direction. There isn’t always an instant pay off, sometimes we may not see the fruit of our choices but it is a game changer when we can get to a place as Paul did in Philippians 3:8 when we can say “I consider all things as loss…that I may gain Christ”.

What a life we have been called to live!


For the month of February I’d like you all to meet Josh Hawkins. Not only does he inspire but he’s just an all-around chill and funny guy with a great story to tell. Don’t believe me, just click on the word funny and you’ll see what I mean. After you have been thoroughly convinced head on over to his blog, Hi Josh for some more cool stuff.

Music of the Month: November

1. James Blunt - Bonfire Heart

2. Corinne Bailey Rae -Closer

3. Hillsong - Man of Sorrows

4. Alan Ponwall - Chasing Time

Music of the Month: November

1. James Blunt - Bonfire Heart

2. Corinne Bailey Rae -Closer

3. Hillsong - Man of Sorrows

4. Alan Ponwall - Chasing Time

Music of the Month: November

1. James Blunt - Bonfire Heart

2. Corinne Bailey Rae -Closer

3. Hillsong - Man of Sorrows

4. Alan Ponwall - Chasing Time