1. [Turing tape] You need an idea notebook.

2. [Open-minded] Do not aim to solve some specific problem.

3. [Proliferate and select] You may need 10 to 100 ideas before you find a good one.

4. [Aloof] Avoid feeling part of any specific academic community.

5. [Be the boss] Avoid working for anyone, and that includes a granting agency.

6. [Data] Don’t publish without data.

7. [Sloth] Avoid all but the simplest experiments, and avoid building complex tools.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6uN3LiJqAo?feature=oembed&w=500&h=281]


Behold the world’s largest paper airplane, part of The Great Paper Airplane Project.

Also see how 20 prominent contemporary artists re-imagined the paper plane.

Although it may seem as though this just a video about the biggest paper airplane, it is actually so much more than that. It reminds all of us that if you have an idea, go for it. Who cares if it’s been done before, do it again but BIGGER. Who cares if other people think it’s stupid, they’re not the ones doing it. And if it does not seem plausible remember, before the first airplane took flight scientists thought it would be thousands of years before man could fly. Do what you want to do and do it without apprehension. Even if it crashes like the paper plane at the end, AT LEAST YOU DID SOMETHING.


24. This is me, in the lab. Besides the lab monitor and me, there is only one other person here. My eyes may look a little red and there may be bags underneath but on the inside I actually feel… I feel good. I’ve hit mile 3 and I’m now coasting. You know that runner’s wall where everything up to mile 3 is something you wouldn’t wish on anybody? However, when you stride past mile 3 you no longer feel pain, inhibition, or the spikes in your lungs due to little air flow.

I am here in the lab that is about to close and I feel pretty good considering the circumstances. I need to do this more often. I like knowing that I am making some dent in my life goals and daily to-do lists.  Now it is off to the J-lab on 4th floor because they run 24/7!

24. This is me, in the lab. Besides the lab monitor and me, there is only one other person here. My eyes may look a little red and there may be bags underneath but on the inside I actually feel… I feel good. I’ve hit mile 3 and I’m now coasting. You know that runner’s wall where everything up to mile 3 is something you wouldn’t wish on anybody? However, when you stride past mile 3 you no longer feel pain, inhibition, or the spikes in your lungs due to little air flow.

I am here in the lab that is about to close and I feel pretty good considering the circumstances. I need to do this more often. I like knowing that I am making some dent in my life goals and daily to-do lists.  Now it is off to the J-lab on 4th floor because they run 24/7!

24. This is me, in the lab. Besides the lab monitor and me, there is only one other person here. My eyes may look a little red and there may be bags underneath but on the inside I actually feel… I feel good. I’ve hit mile 3 and I’m now coasting. You know that runner’s wall where everything up to mile 3 is something you wouldn’t wish on anybody? However, when you stride past mile 3 you no longer feel pain, inhibition, or the spikes in your lungs due to little air flow.

I am here in the lab that is about to close and I feel pretty good considering the circumstances. I need to do this more often. I like knowing that I am making some dent in my life goals and daily to-do lists.  Now it is off to the J-lab on 4th floor because they run 24/7!

24. This is me, in the lab. Besides the lab monitor and me, there is only one other person here. My eyes may look a little red and there may be bags underneath but on the inside I actually feel… I feel good. I’ve hit mile 3 and I’m now coasting. You know that runner’s wall where everything up to mile 3 is something you wouldn’t wish on anybody? However, when you stride past mile 3 you no longer feel pain, inhibition, or the spikes in your lungs due to little air flow.

I am here in the lab that is about to close and I feel pretty good considering the circumstances. I need to do this more often. I like knowing that I am making some dent in my life goals and daily to-do lists.  Now it is off to the J-lab on 4th floor because they run 24/7!

[vimeo 8766811 w=500 h=281]

15. There are a multitude of things flowing through my head right now that would be hard to put onto paper. If I ever tried, you wouldn’t get them sooner but actually later. So instead of writing them down, I instead decided to look around. Find some more people that think like me and let them show you what we both see. Here is a video on the process of being creative, I couldn’t conjure up a word that rhymes with creative so just watch the friggin’ video.