the devil is gonna tell you all these things. he’s going to want you to feel like you are unworthy, that God will turn His back on you. he’s going to try and make you believe that it’s impossible to give up your burdens, that you will have to carry them for the rest of your life on your own. the devil’s desire is for you to live the rest of your life in fear and obscurity. what he doesn’t want you to know is that he is a liar and knows nothing of the truth. he knows nothing of the greatness of our Savior’s love. that that very same love came to die and rise for our inequities. love willingly took up our man-made burdens for us to live in freedom and walk in truth. our Lord has taken the task from our hands and made it His own. he has given us the ability to live in truth.


Some days I forget to selah (pause, breathe, and give thanks) and that leaves me with an overwhelming feeling of stress, doubt, and anxiety. However, before those feelings have time to take root, this is what God tells me:

If you stop comparing you can see it.
If you stop rushing you can feel it.
If you stop complaining you can hear it.
If you just stop you can notice that life is good.
Life is beautiful.
You are blessed.

It’s then that I am reminded of the truth, that I am right where I need (and want) to be.

blessed to be broken

magazines won’t do it. merits won’t connect you. even your friends and family won’t fulfill you. it’s that connection. in that grace it’s Him connecting with you! saying hey! i’m here no matter what you’ve done -no matter what you are doing. you push me away but I sent my Son to die on that cross that connects you to me. connect with me. identify with me. allow yourself to be with me. it’s the most natural thing to do.

so blessed to be broken and yet I still get to be a part of amazing things like this!!! Yes Lord.