Beyond My Borders: Joe Vassel

I’m originally from Long Island and went to the University of Southern California where I majored in Business Administration and Marketing. I graduated in May of 2012 and worked at a technical recruiting firm before transitioning over to a sales/client services role at a digital advertising firm. I made the drastic move from Los Angeles to New York earlier this month and it definitely came with its fair share of uncertainty.

Although I technically moved “back home” after living in LA for 6 years, it was not an easy decision to leave sunny California. It was very comfortable living in LA, since most of my friends from college stayed after graduation. But I’m 24 years old and am too young and restless to live somewhere just because it’s easy. Growing up, I’ve always wanted to live in Manhattan and I had the opportunity to transfer offices with the current company I am working for. What better time to make the move than now? You’ll never be 100% certain that you are making the “right” choice but you have to put yourself out there and just go for it. The experience will just make you that much more well-rounded and cultured.

When I told my friends in LA that I was moving to New York, I had a lot of people asking “But why would you leave the great weather”, saying “You’re going to experience winter and come back in a heartbeat”, and letting me know how abrasive the people that live in NY are. Hey… maybe I will move back, maybe I won’t. But maybe I will love it and never leave. If I didn’t do this then there would have always been that little voice in the back of my head saying “What if?” Don’t let anyone make you second guess yourself.  You only live once (yes, this phrase is very played out but at least I didn’t say #yolo).

Get out there and experience the world people! You won’t regret it.


Guest Blogger: March

I used to work in a shoe store; you would know that if you saw my wardrobe. They say that if you own 2 pairs of shoes then you are in the top 10% of the wealthiest in the world, well given my collection I could possibly be the 1%!

I worked there for 2 years whilst studying and made some great friends. Generally my work mates were all girls, they ranged from 18-23 years old, I love them all, they are generous, funny, caring and beautiful but the one thing they all have in common is that they are obsessed with cosmetic surgery! A lot of the conversations they had with each other were about what they were getting done, what they’ve had done and what they are hoping to get done. Which for me, coming from the Church bubble really really surprised me.

What I realised is that we are all broken people, and we’re all searching for something. What I’ve noticed, not just about them but myself is that we are looking for approval and acceptance, and I saw this in my friends from work. Maybe it was approval from themselves, maybe from each other, maybe from boyfriends, other friends or maybe from society as a whole.

I tend to have this same cry as well, that I “need” to be liked by everyone, that if I’m not, then there is something wrong with me, and it needs to be fixed. But what I believe as a Christian is that Jesus fulfills every single one of our needs, whether it’s comfort, security, approval, acceptance or anything else we can come up with. The reason why Christians are, and should be, so counter-cultural is that we are simply fulfilled by Jesus, that we don’t need the things of this world.


So what I decided to do was put my thoughts to paper, on this idea that it’s quite obvious we’re not all “perfect”, there are things about ourselves that we don’t like or that we wish we could change, and it’s not just physical things but also our personalities and fixing our broken relationship with God. I want these girls to understand about the God that created them, what he thinks about them and that through Jesus they have ALL the approval they could ever need and ALL the acceptance they could ever want.

This is a revolutionary idea, and it’s a challenge, when the whole world is going one direction, it’s not the easiest thing to take a step of faith and decide to go the opposite direction. There isn’t always an instant pay off, sometimes we may not see the fruit of our choices but it is a game changer when we can get to a place as Paul did in Philippians 3:8 when we can say “I consider all things as loss…that I may gain Christ”.

What a life we have been called to live!


For the month of February I’d like you all to meet Josh Hawkins. Not only does he inspire but he’s just an all-around chill and funny guy with a great story to tell. Don’t believe me, just click on the word funny and you’ll see what I mean. After you have been thoroughly convinced head on over to his blog, Hi Josh for some more cool stuff.

Guest Blogger: January

The start of the new year is always filled with such interesting, exciting, and fresh things - why should a blog be any different? Instead of the regular guest blogs I post each month, this one varies a little from the norm. Looking for a new desktop background, I stumbled upon this girl’s tumblr page full of beautifully designed words. Interested in what she had done I contacted her and she was happy enough to share her story and reasons behind her words. 


I’m Sara, an aspiring graphic designer from Budapest, Hungary. I started this journey 4 years ago, when I left my hotel management studies and started to pursue this dream that I believe God has put in my heart. Long story short, today I’m working as a freelance graphic designer.  
I love to create, design and use it as a tool to show the grace, love and the life that’s full of adventures and joy. A joy that’s not necessarily about being unrealistically happy all the time but a joy that comes from  within, no matter the circumstances.  
Being a creative person doesn’t mean you always find the right solution or always know how to create something that works design wise. You have to spend many many hours to make it work. But if you’re a 100% sure that you’re on the right path you’ll also get the strength and patience to finish and finish well.  
I always loved typography. Somehow the way letters are formed and how they connect to each other always had my interest. Lettering - hand-drawn words and letterforms -is something that I always enjoy doing. It simply makes me happy. So this past December I wanted to challenge myself to do a series. I decided to make one each day until Christmas day. About that time I was struggling with being content and believing that God is with me through everything. The reason this could’ve happened is because I kind of forgot His word. The promises that he said. So that gave me this idea of starting to collect the promises that he has made. This is how #theprmsprjct (The Promise Project) started.  
‘To encourage and remind in this advent season.” - That how I described this project on my website. I knew that this could help others as well as it would help me to remember.  
Sometimes life gets complicated. We forget, we can’t see clearly. We need to be reminded of what God said about us, and what he has promised for our lives. We face hundreds of lies each day. You’re not valuable. You’re not worth it. You don’t have a future. You’re a failure. You’re not enough.  
But that’s not what the Creator of the universe says about you. If we don’t spend time in the Word of God we can easily be deceived. We need to hear the truth, and remind ourselves of it.


And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.”

2 Peter 1:4 



I am all for creating, using your hands, taking full advantage of your mind, and then sharing that gift (through collaboration or exhibition) with others. That’s why this month I am more than excited to share Sara’s story and her work with you.

See more of her incredible work here: 

Guest Blogger: September

Over the weekend, I heard a wise man say, “On your way to doing something, you become somebody.” Be it while working toward a great task or following through with a daily discipline, I firmly believe this is true. You and I are constantly moving forward. There is no place of finally “making it”. Don’t you know it’s all about the journey?

That has been one of the most exciting and difficult lessons I have learned —and am still learning— in my young life. I say young because at the ripe old age of twenty-two I hardly feel old. I still have so far to go, so many things to do and places to see, and so much more of God I want to know, follow, and trust. But if you drink those words in one more time, you’ll find my greatest trap. I look to the future and breeze past today. And shouldn’t I know by now that every today is a day to say “yes”?

Saying “yes” is thrilling and terrifying. Sometimes I wonder if I know the word at all as unwilling as it is to leave my tongue. But a “yes” is what God asks of us. He doesn’t ask for perfection or success, He asks for obedience and trust. Both of those things take a surrender on our part, a willingness to let go of our control and comfort zone to step into His wild adventure.

My biggest “yes” so far came to pass this summer. Your Texas girl heard His whisper and packed her bags for Seattle. I’ll be the first to tell you that it was hardly the direction I expected to be going. I’m a planner; I love lists and diagrams, well thought out road trips, a neatly organized notebook, and school supplies by the bucket load. If I can highlight and color coordinate it, I do. Funny thing is, God doesn’t work that way. He paints sunsets in colors I don’t know the names of and delights me with music in the wind I cannot save for later. I ask “What?” and He says, “Trust me.” I ask “When?” and He says, “Follow me.” I beg “Where?” and He whispers, “Today.”

What doesn’t make sense to me in the moment only goes to show how well He knows my heart. He knows that I hate —well, strongly dislike— being in transition. I love routine! I have this deep desire in me to know what is ahead and to be able to prepare for it. But He knows my future-inclined-self can easily miss the today. It’s why He reminds me of the morning and the moment over and over again.

In the past few months, I’ve learned that being in transition is something we will do all our lives. We’ll transition from one season to the next, one role to another, this job to that, from city to town, citizen to stranger, and many times several of these changes will be happening at once. Whereas I often feel as though I’m drowning in the uncertainty, it is a certified God-moment for me to cast my anchor into the sky and hold to Him instead of something (be it person, place, or thing) in my life that will inevitably change. He is the only steadfast thing. He is what remains.

In my transition from college to post-grad, I have grown weary. In the move from Texas to Washington, I have soared on the clouds. In the passage from student to teacher, I have been challenged. It is the nature of growing up, and it is something I don’t simply want to endure but embrace!

My ramblings seem scattered even to me, but that’s what this process has been like. It’s messy and unclear, good one day and a struggle the next. But my God is good all the time, and all the time He is good.

"As for a man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him." Psalm 103:15-17

My advice to anyone wading through tough transition times would be to press on and take it one day at a time. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask God “What is your purpose for me today?” If you’re feeling down, ask the Lord to encourage you and surround yourself with positive community. Share the burden, be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling. If you skirt around the issue or try to tuck things away in a closet, the burden will pile up. He has promised us peace! And He has promised to remain with us.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity in their hearts." Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us two important things. The first is that our God —the Creator of all and Savior of the world— makes all things beautiful according to His timeline and for His glory. A day to him might be a thousand years to us, but still He is good and faithful. He works for the good of those who love Him, even when we cannot see or feel it. The second thing it reveals is that He has placed a longing in our hearts for that "more" and a "forever home" for a reason. We were made for relationship with Him, one that will come to ultimate fruition when we join Him in heaven. But how do we handle today, you ask? We pray and we trust, and we take our changing seasons one day at a time.

Like I shared at the beginning, “On your way to doing something, you become somebody.” Let’s become men and women who say “Yes” to the Lord in the face of transition. When the sand shifts beneath our feet or we stare into the unknown, may we put our trust in the Most Faithful

One, and become who He created us to be.



This month I find myself blessed to introduce Bailey Jean, she runs the blog and facebook page Anchored in Love Divine. I told her that as I was reading her story I just had to awe at how great God is. There are so many times in life where you will feel like no one else could possibly be going through what you currently are and then He shows up. Her story felt as though she pulled it straight from the mix of emotions that were stirring within me. I hope you enjoyed her post as much as I did.